jueves, mayo 18, 2006

software update

okay, so i lied.

when i said i was gonna post a few hours after the last (okay, i said "later," but isn't that the effect? ha!), i hadn't really done it. and the difference between may 9 and may 18 can't really be equated with the term "later." so empirically, i fell short of my promise to post "later." but hey, i always have options, ya know.

anyway, on to my "software update."

y'already know that i "celebrated" my birthday two weeks ago. if i had to include stories about my mandatory shopping+dinner, nothing really mind-blowing happened. then again, what happened to that day was different from what happened in any other day in my life on hibernation mode (i.e., breaks, summer, christmas, vacation, etc). i expected to do something more profound and something to remember that day by months after it's over. but what did i do? i slept through the morning (for no apparently urgent reason at all; i just stayed up really late surfing the net), worked out three hours after i woke up (noon), and waited for a go-signal from my mom for us to meet in some restaurant to cap my birthday night off.

here's the thing: this is what i ALWAYS do. well, not always, but this is what you would normally see me doing had you picked any other random day. i wake up at noon (earliest) or 6pm (average), work out, and go out to dinner. and when i get home, i'd check my mail, bryanboy.com, news sites, my friendster, and download a few new songs off limewire to distract me when i'm at the gym.

but if there was something i did (that week; it's a long-standing tradition at home that people keep themselves safe on their birthdays) that i haven't done the past few months, it was mustering enough courage to walk into a levi's store (in two branches, actually: megamall and gateway) and get a pair of slim jeans (the 522 slims and the 523 s-type, respectively) in my actual size. not that i logistically can't do it any other day. it's just that i was holding myself from buying any new clothes (except socks, oleg cassini handkerchiefs that i really love and exclusively use since i was 10, and underwear) until i get my waist 2 to 3 more inches down. i haven't achieved that yet, so i could evaluate these new purchases as either a wardrobe savior (i can wear chucks now without having to cut/pin my pants!) or a frivolous, expensive mistake (the reason why i got myself levi's jeans instead of schlepping to 168 and getting myself a knockoff is because mother experience has told me that original levi's jeans shrink to fit your body with every wash. and the fits are fabulous to begin with. then again, was i right in dissing my instinct not to buy them until 6 months later?). i could say it's all about perspective, but perspective can't give me back the good money i shelled out for these.

anyway, on to more significant stuff.

if this had been a good greeting, let me know: when i went to the gym on my birthday, my trainor's good friend/drinking buddy complimented me on how much fat i lost since i enrolled four months earlier. now, being little old vain conceited me, i had to fish deeper for compliments. same response, only more enthusiastic and with more cajoling than i could've normally handled. i personally couldn't see the fat i lost; maybe because i keep on seeing the little belly pocket i have everytime i pose like nicole scherzinger in the mirror, and it bugs the hell out of me. it surely made me feel good the whole time i was there doing 90-lb squats, but then i felt stupid for telling them that it was my birthday then, because then i would have to order pizza and lattes for the guys and i can't really punish myself like that right now. not at this point.

the next day was a combination of work and fun. in the morning, i went out and worked my thesis by going on scheduled data-mining searches. for those of you who know what my thesis is about, you'll know how especially hard it is for me to get precious dirt on my subject. in the afternoon, i joined my brother and sister at celebrity sports club, where we spent the afternoon with our really closest cousins on the tingcungco side, nica, chesca and leica. we had fun diving until our ears begged us to stop at the 9ft pool, binged on cobblers and banana split at the cafe, and proved once again that my evil younger fArtist brother daniel can send us all home crying and penniless with his nifty bowling skills.

it was fun, and i'd never trade that day for anything. then again, it meant that i had to cancel some appointments i made for the day, so i compensated by doing online work the minute i stepped into my room four hours later. leaving early wasn't really an option for me, since we were under close watch by the driver, who was in cahoots with my mom and aunt. and besides, i got some scrubbing earlier in the morning because i wasn't apparently playing the responsible elder brother role. so i had to pretty much prove my worth by staying around and entertaining my little sister daphne as she paddled her way through the 3ft section of the pool. it was exhausting, since i couldn't do all the deep laps i wanted to do for the day, but it was a relief to prove to myself that i'm not such a cold, heartless, selfish bitch after all.

it was pretty much downhill for my body since then. it was like the compliment was sign that told me, "you're gonna screw up real soon." after i left the gym on my birthday, i went for seconds downing spaghetti al pesto and philly steak pizza (take note: philly=fat) at the nearby don henrico's. the next day at celebrity, i binged on 2 servings of chocolate cobbler, a shitload of servings of regular (REGULAR=SUGAR LOADED) bottomless iced tea, and a plateful of pasta. during my sister's birthday three days later (we stayed home and played "who's the cook?" while preparing special dinner dishes), i dined on redsauce pasta as if my life depended on it. take note: the whole week i was doing this, i slept around 6a and woke up around 12nn to 3p, which pretty much leaves me unprepared to work out and focus. and the amount of work i had to handle within that week and into this week (thesis, sideline writing and creative design jobs) leaves me with no time and no energy to do pathetic 40lb military presses.

right now, i'm trying to get my gym program back on track, and my thesis progress on an existent pace. i'm occupied right now with thoughts about my current workload, a creative/design campaign for a local beverage company. my thesis work is on a standstill. i still can see the one thing in my tummy that's keeping me from having cheeky girl abs (okay, maybe brandon boyd abs). my contact with friends and the rest of my social circle no longer exist. and i still sleep around 6a.

but hey, i doubled my milk intake (which makes me not have to reach for oily peanuts for my after-gym protein fix), loaded my songs with more hed kandi, and started drinking the same slimming tea my sister's drinking on a 2x-a-day basis. i can see directino from here. then again, maybe it's just perspective.

btw, thanks a lot to everyone who greeted me on my birthday. even though i wasn't able to thank each and every one of you, you know that your greetings mean a whole lot to me. you know who you are. i love y'all!

now playing (i know these are old songs, but hey, the memories make them more special):

Sia - Breathe Me (Mylo Remix)
Zero 7 - Destiny
Goldfrapp - Ride A White Horse
Shakira - Día Especial
Alejandro Sanz - No Es Lo Mismo
Goo Goo Dolls - Slide
Toni Braxton featuring Loon - Hit The Freeway
Lene Marlin - You Weren't There
Kelly Rowland - Can't Nobody
Maria Rita - Encontros E Despedidas
Nelly Furtado - Forca
Paris Hilton - Screwed (yes, i'm still listening to her)

email me if you want a copy of these songs: danotingc@gmail.com. this is p2p baby, blog-style!

my favorite line/phrase right now - "orthopedic nightmare" (a term i unintentionally coined when one of my gym-mates sprained his ankle)
my favorite motto right now - "Dance like a slut, but don't let the horny wankers touch you." (Paris Hilton, as told by Bryanboy in his much talked-about blog, www.bryanboy.com)

don't ask me why; i can't give a philosophical meaning to it. it's 6a and i still can't think properly. hahahahaha!
